Monday, September 19, 2016


Science- Recently, we began a unit on the human body.  To kick off our unit, we asked the question "Why do our biceps bulge?"  We learned about the role our muscles and tendons play in bending our arms.  We even learned about where our joints are located.   We completed several hands on activities where students built a "robot finger" and a "robot hand."  We tested out our robot hands to see how they are similar to our hands.  You'll see Lillie trying to use her robot hand to pick up a paper ball.  We also built a model of an arm using some of our classroom supplies.  Last, but not least, we dissected a chicken wing!  We learned about why dissection is useful for learning more about our bodies and got to take a look at muscles, tendons, and bones at work!  I was very impressed at how well we worked in a group!  Here are some pictures of our activities.

I couldn't take any pictures during our dissection, so here is the aftermath- All the trash in the garbage can

Math- Below, you will see the students brushing up on their multiplication facts.  Soon we will begin a multiplication and division unit.  Students will also learn about an incentive they can earn for learning their facts.

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